When everything seems to be going well what do I go off and do? I start some other thing to make my days even crazier!! So, Yea, we started Potty Training Ian and I forgot how crazy the day gets when there is potty training in the home. BUT progress does happen everyday. Some days I can see more of it than other days but all in all he's coming along quite nicely. If anyone out there has a magic potty training pill send me a prescription!
It is pouring rain today and I am here at home while josh and Isaac went out to my Dads cabin site to help him get the ground ready for building a cabin. I hope they are able to stay dry, I talked to my mom who is also out there and she says all is great, everyone is dry and having a blast. Isaac was so excited to go, he had his own pack (only 10 lbs) for his gear. It is one that josh used when he was a kid! It is really cute on Isaac!
Anyways, Today is really a great day! Just Samantha, Ian and I hanging out at home!!
Well gotsta get going!!
Love You all, talk to you soon!
Loni Ivey