Friday, April 1, 2011

Yikes! Its been forever!

Alright, i have some serious time to catch up on! My last post seems to be over a year ago! hmmmmmm....thats sad! Alright heres a QUICK recap of the last year, and here's hoping I can keep this up better! (wink*) Of course everyone is a year older (and wiser hopefully). Camping trip after camping trip, our garden, raising chickens, BBQing and family have kept last summer full and fun! Snowmachine trips and holiday parties and school has kept our winter fun and busy. Morning sickness has been slowing down the begining of 2011 BUT a bundle of GIRL to meet around August 18th 2011 will surely make it all worth it! let the naming games begin! I'll be posting pictures here soon. And here's hoping I can do better at keeping my blog up to date! see ya soon!