Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sledding Pictures!!

I diddnt take a ton of sledding pictures, the kids zooomed tooo fast down Papas hill, they were blurry in the pictures, BUT here some fun ones that looked good!




Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you get when you add a....

dad, his sons and a HUGE SNOW BIRM?????


This is a 14x20 foot snow castle complete with a slide (see samantha on the left laying on the sled) The stairs on the Right, by the shovel, go up to the top level that wraps around the back. Then there is a doorway between Josh and I that goes into a room that is probably 5x9 Ian and Isaac are sitting the the wall that goes into it. Can you see Grandma Elaine in the back? :)

The kids want to play on this ALL DAY...they LOVE IT!!! Josh wants to make this into a family tradition every year.....he is already planning on 3 levels for next year....what fun!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Snowmachine Weekend!!

Spring break was great we went out to Grandma and Papa Iveys "Green Cabin" for 4 days. We had a blast, it was soo fun just getting away and sledding with the kids and hanging out with the family.

Josh even made a 4 man totem pole going sledding. James Ivey in the front then Ian, Isaac and Josh. That was great!! There was sooo much sledding out there this weekend! Everyone had soo much fun!

The kids also LOVED the little kid snowmachines. It was too fun to watch them drive around the feild by the cabin. Here Samantha crashed into this tree and got her ski stuck. She had such a great time driving around.


and Ian Loved their turns on the 120s too!

Isaac even got to try driving Grandma Elaines machine....He did great. Next year he will "HAVE TO HAVE " his own machine i'm sure.

This last week Josh bought the kids a little .22 rifle called a Chipmunk. Josh and Isaac took it out to do a little practice shooting. Isaac did great and loves it. Its just his size.

More pics soooon!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kids are great!

Sooo for this last school year Isaac has been going through the math curriculum called MathUSee. Great program by the way. The other day at swimming I went to pick Isaac up and noticed that the chalk borad next to the part of the pool where his lessons are had a few math problems written and answered on it. I asked him if that was him writting on the board (looked like his hand writting) and he said Yes. Seems I get him to swimming a little too early and he sits there ready to get in the water and does math until his lesson :) Thats great, he could be doing worse.

There is a little math game we like to play, he asks for it all the time. Heres how it goes...

I say "Isaac if I am 6 and together we are 9 what are you???" "3" Little intro to algebra....He gets it right all the time!

I'm so proud of him he really is doing great at math, he just loves it!

Ian has been surprising me more and more lately, today he wrote/drew a card for my dad (whos birthday party is tommorow) and has amazingly great penmanship for a 4 year old (at least i think so). The other day while playing a math game, the one I mentioned above, with Isaac, Ian chimed in and answered one of the problems. I guess it pays off to hang out with Isaac durring school :)

Samantha and Zoa are getting to be such great buds. Right now Samantha and Josh are off snowmachining on a daddy daughter weekend. Zoa and I were sitting here at the computer checking on my blog and she started getting fussy so I played the video of Samantha singing and she INSTANTLY stopped crying and started jumping and smiling HUGE, Zoa sure does LOVE Samantha and Samantha Loves her!!!

I am having such fun with my kids right now. Lately they have been really good and fun to be around, I feel so blessed!

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Private Blog

Sorry everyone, for some reason I felt the need to go private. I hope this isn't an inconvenience to you. I've got some cute pictures i'll be posting here soon.......see ya then!

Halloween 2009

Here's one of my favorite pictures! Love it!