Thursday, April 17, 2008

If you give a MOM a cookie!

I found this in the June 2006 Parenting Magazine. I just thought it was Hilarious! I just gotta share it!

If you give a mom a cookie,
Shes gonna want a glass of
milk* to go with it.
But before she gets the milk*,
she has to find her toddlers
pink ladybug boots.
To find the ladybug boots
she has to venture into
the playroom.
When she tries to tidy up
the playroom, she finds
daddy's left shoe, the salad
bowl, and an open package
of graham crackers. She also
finds her cell phone.
So she'll yell at her toddler
about the cell phone and
wake up the baby from
his morning nap.
But when she goes in to pick
up the baby the cell
phone will ring.
When she answers, it'll be
the doctors office reminding
her that she had an
appointment this morning
and would she like to reschedule,
say, sometime in November?
While she is trying to mentally
re-create he calender, the
baby will start to cry.
Then her toddler will run
to see what's the matter
and find the graham crackers.
When she finds the graham
crackers there will be
crumbs all over the playroom.
So the mom will get the
broom from the hall closet
and notice that daddy forgot
to buy diapers last night,
as she asked.
But she will find her
toddlers pink ladybug boots.
And when she finds the pink
ladybug boots, she'll remember
her emergency stash of
diapers in the car.
So She'll wrestle her toddler
and her baby into their car
seats and drive to
the store to buy more
diapers and more milk.
while she is buying the
milk she'll remember that
she wanted a glass of milk*.
And if she manages to buy
the Milk* without a tantrum
or poop episode from either
of her kids....
Then shes going to need another cookie.
(By Julie Tilsner inspired by Laura Numeroff's If you give a Mouse a Cookie)

I loved this and thought all of you would too! Oh the * next to the milk means in the origional printing from the magazine it said Latte. I can relate better when it is milk, so i changed it.

1 comment:

Becki Anderson said...

I loved this!! It was great seeing you at the store, I hope you got to enjoy a glass of milk* :)